SCASD Online Acceptable Use Policy
On-Line Acceptable Use Policy
Adopted 7/22/02
The State College Area School District recognizes the value of using on-line computer resources and networks to gather information, promote communications and enhance student learning. In working to achieve its mission, the district also recognizes the need for responsible, ethical use of these resources in the support of curriculum development, instruction and the business operations of the school district. This policy establishes the parameters in which guidelines and procedures for students, staff and community are to function.
All uses of school district network facilities are intended to support and advance the educational mission of the district. It is the policy of the State College Area School District to prevent user access over its computer network to inappropriate materials via the Internet; prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information of minors; and comply with the Children�s Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)].
The school district will provide:
a) the software and hardware necessary to make the networks function effectively and efficiently.
b) educational materials and training for network use as appropriate.
c) appropriate staffing to administer, operate and support the district systems.
The school district will develop and communicate:
a) operational changes as appropriate.
b) policies and procedures regarding use as appropriate.
c) policies and procedures that protect the rights of users and their property and ensures the legal use of all software and protected materials (i.e. copyright, etc.)
The school district will:
a) secure its networks and computing systems in reasonable and cost effective ways while making them accessible for authorized and legitimate use.
b) maintain its networks and computing systems to ensure reliable, efficient and effective use.
c) inform users of expected standards of conduct and disciplinary measures for not adhering to them.
d) to the extent practical, use technology protection measures (or �Internet filters�) to block or filter Internet, or other forms of electronic communications, access to inappropriate information. Specifically, as required by the Children�s Internet Protection Act, blocking shall be applied to visual depiction of material deemed obscene or child pornography, or to any material deemed harmful to minors. Subject to staff supervision, technology protection measures may be disabled or, in the case of minors, minimized only for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.The use of State College Area School District networks and computing systems is a privilege that requires users to adhere to the policies and procedures established by the district. Violations will result in disciplinary action in accordance with school district discipline policies and may include loss of privileges or appropriate legal action.
The responsibility of the user is t
a) adhere to all applicable state and federal laws.
b) adhere to all school district policies, procedures and guidelines.
c) use district networks and computing systems to further the mission of the school district and promote a positive learning environment.
d) respect the rights of others and their work at all times.
e) not disrupt the use or operation of district networks or computing systems.f) not hold the school district liable for lost or disrupted information or services.
Social media are online applications, services, and practices that allow users to connect to each other and to create, share, and collaborate on content.
State College Area School District recognizes the importance of open exchange and learning between the district and its many constituents.We recognize the two-‐way communication available through social media—blogging, social websites, and networking—as an important arena for interaction and collaboration, to learn from and connect with others using these communications tools.
Where appropriate, the district supports the use of social media by employees in pursuit of instructional and educational goals. The district may use social media to connect with students, parents,faculty, staff, alumni, colleagues, other educators, and more. Please refer to the Social Media Tool Kit for guidance on using social media effectively, safely, and within district policy.
In the best interests of our district and our community, district staff and students who administer or use official social media sites on behalf of the district must adhere to all existing policies, especially Policy 249 Anti-‐Harassment and Anti-‐bullying and Policy 814Copyright Materials, as well as the Professional Code of Conduct.
Adopted 7/22/02
The State College Area School District (SCASD) strives to provide the most up-to-date technologies and information possible, recognizing their potential to enhance learning. However, network use involves many ethical questions and issues. Parents and guardians are urged to discuss school district policies and procedures as well as the proper and ethical use of networks before approving their use by a child.
All uses of the school district network facilities are intended to support and advance the school district's educational mission or other purposes as deemed appropriate by the board of school directors.
Access accounts for networks in the State College School District are governed by the policies and procedures established by the board of school directors. Individuals applying for and accepting a USER ID, are making a commitment to adhere to those policies and to conduct themselves according to the highest standards.
Use Guidelines
Access to inappropriate material as defined by school policy and by the Children�s Internet Protection Act is prohibited. To the extent practical, steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of users of the State College Area School District online computer network with using electronic mail, chat rooms or other forms of direct electronic communications.
Generation and/or transmission of any material in violation of any federal, state, or district regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited t violation of copyrights; using other protected materials without permission of the author; using threatening, obscene or racist language or material: unauthorized access, including so-called �hacking�; unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.
Network administrators and supervising faculty members have the discretion to determine inappropriate use. Violations may result in loss of privileges pursuant to school discipline and/or legal action.
These guidelines will be revised and updated as needed.
User IDs
Computer network accounts assigned to individuals consist of a unique User ID code and password combination. Users are not permitted to share accounts or passwords.
Accounts will provide access to electronic mail, information and news, access to databases and web sites. All accounts will be issued for limited time frames. Accounts will be reviewed and extended as needed.
Users will be responsible for keeping individual accounts secure by keeping passwords secret and by using the client software provided by SCASD servers. The district has installed several security measures to ensure appropriate usage.
Any user/s who has a history of computer misuse may be denied access to an account. Use of encryption technology must be done with prior approval by the network administrator.
Users who believe they have identified a security problem, must notify an appropriate authority with the details of the problem as soon as possible.
Supervision and Monitoring
It shall be the responsibility of all members of the State College Area School District staff to supervise and monitor usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy and the Children�s Internet Protection Act.
Procedures for disabling or otherwise modifying any technology protection measures shall be the responsibility of the Director of Computer Services or designated representatives.
The State College Area School District does not guarantee service nor is it responsible for damaged or incorrect data. Use of any information obtained on the Internet or other network services must be undertaken at the individual's own risk.
The school district shall not be held liable for the actions of individuals who choose to violate the acceptable uses of the network. In addition, each user and/or user's parent(s) or guardian(s) shall indemnify State College Area School District and hold it harmless from and against any damage, liability, loss, or deficiency arising out of or resulting from the user's use and/or misuse of the network.
Vandalism includes any attempt to harm any hardware or software, or the data of another user of the network. This includes, but is not limited to the uploading or creation of viruses, worms or trojans. Unauthorized attempted entry to any computer system is grounds for cancellation of a user's account, and could be referred to the appropriate legal authorities.
E-mail is not guaranteed to be secure. The user should assume that communications sent via a network should be thought of as communications sent via post card. The SCASD provides no facilities for secure communications. In addition SCASD may access e-mail and/or files stored in user accounts where there is reason to suspect misuse.
Network Etiquette
Users of SCASD network and computer systems are expected to follow accepted network etiquette procedures at all times.