Helpful Websites
Website for Parents
The American School Counselor Association has many links for parents from how to connect with your child's school counselor to how to help your child overcome test anxiety.
Kids' Health Website
This website provides helpful information for middle school students about how to deal with feelings, growing up, health, bullying, drugs and alcohol, and more.
Stop Bullying Now Website
Middle schoolers can take a quiz, play games, and view webcasts to discover what to do to handle different bullying situations. There's information for parents too.
Cyber-Safety and Bullying Website
This interactive website helps middle school students find out how to stay safe and prevent bullying on the internet and cell phone.
National Safe Place
Teens text the word "SAFE" and your current location (Street Address, City, State) to 69866 for immediate help.
Student Services/Family Outreach Fall Programs
State College Area School District Student Services/Family Outreach program in collaboration with several community agencies. All programs are free and feature child care (and sometimes more) as conveniences for busy families.