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Fall 2023 Update: Thank you to all who particpated in Flag Football and Racket Sports! 

In the future:

IM Snow Sports will run on Wednesdays starting January 10th and there will be five-week packages and six weeks that we will offer a bus (through and including Feb. 14th)  See link to the left for details on Snow Sports!

IM Girls Volleyball will be in the spring, after spring break, two sessions per week for about six weeks.

Please note that a PAPER IM permission form must be filled out and on file in order to participate at the first session. Paper forms are available for pick up at the PFMS main office or in Mr. Tranell's classroom, 215. (the link is also below if you wish to print your own) EMAILED FORMS will NOT be accepted!  Students should return paper forms to the main office before their first session.

See the links to the left for information on other specific offerings. 
All students are welcome to join intramurals. No tryouts are needed.
*Intramurals are usually held from 3:45 - 5:15 P.M. many days.
*Students need to complete and return an IM Permission Form to the main office before they can start an intramural activity.  These forms are also available in the main office.
*Students are to be picked up by their parent/guardian at the school or sporting venue. (i.e., Tussey, Northland Bowl)
*Please encourage your son or daughter to participate in these programs. They are a great way for kids to get involved with PFMS, make new friends, and share their talents with others!

If you have any questions regarding intramurals, contact Mr. Tranell (
or if you have questions about PIAA sports starting in 7th grade, please contact the assistant athletic director Mr. Loren Crispell.
Click here for IM Permission Form: IM Permission Form