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Parent/Guardian Meeting

Parent/Guardian Meeting!!


Hi all, 
Thanks to those who were able to attend our meeting last night. It was nice to see so many people there. If you were unable to make it, we look forward to meeting you soon! I'm attaching a lot of the info we talked about to this email....the recording didn't cooperate but the slide show will be more helpful anyway! Please consider signing up to volunteer for a parent committee...we literally can not do this without you! See the link below for the slide show we shared. 

Grown Up Meeting Slide Show

Our next meeting for students is Monday after school at MNMS from 4-5:30. We are still trying to secure transportation from PFMS...I will email an update as soon as I hear anything from the district, but for now please try to arrange a ride for your student. At this meeting we will discuss audition information, crew information and hold our officer elections. We will send the information out that is discussed at that meeting in case students are unable to attend. 

The next step would be signing up for audition workshops and that information will be coming next week.