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Academic Literacy

Academic Literacy
The purpose of this course is for us, as readers, to read more deeply,  We will question our purposes for reading and learn strategies that enable to us to read critically in order to gain a deeper, more thorough understanding of the text. Duly, we will read both fiction and non fictions texts and learn strategies that allow us to monitor our comprehension as we read. It is important to note that text is not limited to print. Thus, in addition to to various genres, we will read images, signs, advertisements, and so on.  As you progress through our Academic Literacy course, you will come to know strategies that expand your skills as a reader. You will come to know your own reading habits and processes. Together, we will make our thinking visible through a variety of strategies and literacy activities.  My expectation is that you will come with your brain, body, and binder and join me as we create a community of reading, inquiry, and thought. 
                                                                               Reading the Word and the World
                                                                                                Paulo Freire