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Park Forest Middle School offers a variety of performance opportunities to 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Each ensemble is listed below, along with the director of each group.
            6th Grade Choir - Mrs. Bobbi Morris
This group rehearses every Day 4 during AREA. They perform twice each year, at Winterfest and in the spring. They perform a variety of styles and venture into two-part and three-part pieces. Students also use a variety of instruments, including world drums, to accompany certain pieces.
            6th Grade Band - Mr. Erik McDonough
Sixth Grade instrumental Music Performance is an elective that meets two times per cycle, once in a small homogeneous group setting and once as a large ensemble during our AREA period. The lesson book used in the small  group setting focuses on reviewing concepts, skills and information from 4th and 5th grade but at a higher proficiency and understanding in keeping with the spiral curriculum. In both settings students will learn proper warm-up, tune-up, and focusing techniques, proper etiquette in the rehearsal and concert environment, technique development, ensemble skills and sight reading. Within this curriculum students can expect to perform a varied repetoire of music including Marches, Jazz, Pop, International and Lyrical styles that will be performed in a culminating concert experience in the Spring. Students may sign up for Band during the first cycle of school. Their homeroom teachers will let them know where and when the sign-up will occur. Beginners are welcome.

            6th Grade Orchestra - Mr. Matt Shaffer
This group rehearses every Day 2 during AREA. Also, each student in 6th grade orchestra has a small group lesson once in each six-day cycle.
            7th Grade Choir - Mrs. Molly McAninch
This group is divided into two sections, one of which rehearses during Period 1 on Days 1 and 4, and the other which rehearses during AREA on Days 3 and 6. Choir students sing in a variety of styles and genres.  Students will develop the skills of singing together in parts.  There are two concerts - the Winterfest Choral Concert in December and the Seventh Grade Choir and Band concert in the spring.
            7th Grade Band -Mrs. Ronica Brownson
This group rehearses during Period 1 on Days 3 and 6 and during Day 5 AREA. They perform twice each year, at the Winter Concert in January and and at their Spring Concert in May.  Also, each student in 7th grade band has a small group lesson once in each six-day cycle.  Please see Mrs. Brownson's website for more information.
            7th Grade Orchestra - Mr. Matt Shaffer
This group rehearses during Period 1 on Days 2 and 5 and during Day 5 AREA. They perform twice each year, in December and in May. Also, each student in 7th grade orchestra has a small group lesson once in each six-day cycle.
            8th Grade Choir - Mrs. Rebecca Clayton
This group is also divided into two sections, one of which rehearses during Period 4 on Days 1 and 4, and the other which rehearses during AREA on Days  and 6. They are working on three- and four-part music to develop their musical skills.  There are two concerts - the Winterfest Choral Concert in December and the 8th grade choir and band concert in the spring.
            8th Grade Band -Mrs. Ronica Brownson
This group rehearses during Period 3 on Days 3 and 6 and during AREA. They perform twice each year, at the Winter Concert in January and at their Spring Concert in May.  Also, each student in 8th grade band has a small group lesson once in each six-day cycle.  Please see Mrs. Brownson's website for more information.
            8th Grade Orchestra - Mr. Matt Shaffer
This group rehearses during Period 3 on Days 2 and 5 and during Day 5 AREA. They perform twice each year, in December and in May. Also, each student in 8th grade orchestra has a small group lesson once in each six-day cycle.
            Symphonic Band -Mrs. Ronica Brownson
This group is made up of students in grades 6, 7, and 8 who are selected by audition or by teacher reccommendation and desire to play to be a part of the group. They rehearse during AREA on Day 2. About 20 students from this group will be selected to attend the Centre County Band Festival which is held each spring at a middle or junior high school in Centre County.
            Jazz Band -Mrs. Ronica Brownson
This group begins by learning all about improvisation and how to make up their own jazz solos. They also work on articulation and style. Jazz Band performs at least five times per year.  
            Sylvan Singers - select choir - Mrs. McAninch
This is an audition choir of 16-20 members.  These students must be members of their grade-level choir to be members. The group rehearses before school from 7:45am until 8:30am.  Students from grades 6, 7, and 8 may audition.